Amazing performance of WebGL

Amazing performance of WebGL

For 3D Revolution, webGL provide amazing power for many websites. Now almost every computer and gadget device have a powerful GPU often more than the CPU itself. But that’s all about device couldn’t use them, because always use in 2D. WebGL change that, released version for chrome and mozilla. WebGL was developed from OpenGL 3D, Which javascript gain access to graphic hardware. Assisted with HTML5 and CSS3 make 3D development of web pages more spread. WebGL is breakthrough for web development, it increases the ability to create any 3D application or just display 3D product in our website.

1. 3Dtin

3D builder tool for expert but hard for beginner, create shapes and any object. Easy to start with this natural oriented 3D pixel approach.

performance of WebGL


2. Dreams of the Black
Chris milk develops semi interactive film, It is mixing 2D and 3D computer processing graphic with this movie, but it works better on Google chrome.

performance of WebGL


3. Flight of the Navigator
Developed by Mozzila API, the Flight of Navigator is not interactive music video. Integrated Twitter, WebGL, Twitter and Flicker. But this is too heavy load for the GPU.

performance of WebGL


4. The Biodigital Human

Augmented reality tools, which use for Studying and understanding Human bodies, very helpful for medical study. You can explore skeleton, blood system, etc.

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5. Angry Birds
Angry birds have web version, when rovio see WebGL is opportunities to build HD version of angry birds based from 2D version resulting good graphic.

Amazing performance of WebGL